POPKON is going to create NFT marketplace based on fandoms where 20,000 creators (MCs) and users participating content creation make contents together. Depending on the size of enthusiastic fans, NFTs can be minted as many. And the NFT owners are given privileges and creators can design and issue NFT to the tastes of the users.

As NFT issued by a creator is based on a content which contains the creator’s unique attraction, if the creator gets higher popularity or more followers or if the content itself in the NFT receives greater interests, then the price may rise.

The user who owns the NFTs can sell the NFTs in the market, and the profits are going to be distributed not only the former owner but also its creator. Thus, creators are inspired to make better contents and users are to put active promotion for the rise of NFT price. NFT is not mere tool for trading, but also can be used item in the POPKON platform.

5.1 NFT investment (re-selling)

In the POPKON NFT Market, NFT buyers support users to resell in the market at a higher price when the NFT price rises. There are a number of factors driving the rise of NFT prices. For example, when a complete set of a series of NFTs collected, various benefits may be provided, such as fan meetings with the creator, the front seating at the fan club meeting or offline meeting. As the effectiveness of the NFT holder benefits granted by creators are greater, the NFT price may rise.

5.2 NFT ostentation

It is possible to publish BJ NFT Collectable and use it as a badge or post it on the profile of BJ and fans, to strengthen the bond between the creator and fandom, or to boast off fandom and its royalty.

5.3 NFT ownership

Certain videos or commemorative images of creators can be published and sold in NFTs. These NFT works can be displayed in a private gallery provided within the “POPKON platform”. Not only MCs can open private galleries, but also users can curate various NFT works in their own gallery when they purchase NFT works.

5.4 Affinity in participants

Users with NFTs will be provided services that can further improve affinity with creators. For example, when buying NFTs, automatic membership to the creator’s fan club is issued, and the user will receive a hand-written birthday card from the creator. Added to that, they will be invited to concerts if the creator holds, and when an album is released, an autographed album is provided as a gift.

In a Fanclub space, users can form affinity among fans by using NFTs items to symbolize the Creator, and users can put on avatar with creator items in order to show off fandom.

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